The general-purpose bulldozer-loosening machine of drawbar category 10 is equipped with hydraulic mechanical transmission.
As an assembly together with the bulldozer and bulldozer-loosening equipment it is designed to develop the grounds of I - III categories without preliminary loosening, the grounds of IV category with preliminary loosening as well as the crumbling rocks and frozen grounds at the temperature up to minus -5°С.
When assembled with the help of a pull winch it can be used to perform the special purpose operations in construction, lumbering and transport operations as well as to carry out the wrecking. It can be operated in conditions of temperate and cold climate at the ambient temperature up to minus -50°С, at the height of 3000 m above sea level, at high dustiness level as well as in conditions of tropic climate (tropical design).
When operating in the regions with low minus temperatures the cab is equipped with the double manifold plate glasses with improved sealing. The independent heater "Airtronic" can be installed by order. All this holds the comfort above-zero temperature in a cab in cold conditions even if the diesel engine is stopped.
The up-to-date cab design and operator working place as well as comfortable position of the tractor and attached implement control members, sprung and adjustable seat, sun blind, well-readable instrument panel and signaling allow the operator to work more efficiently in comfort conditions.
The hydraulic mechanical transmission allows the automatic adjustment of the tractive efforts depending on the corresponding outer loads, than the gear shifting without power flow breaking and quick return as well as decreasing of the dynamic loads in the power train.
The running gear service life has been increased due to the road wheels with friction bearings and the seals Duo Cone ensuring the road wheel operation without any oil leakage.
Copyright: UAB "A.K.K." 2012
Solution: Bona solutions